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SOL-E - Development and implementation of a solidary energy community

<h6>© AEE INTEC</h6>

The Renewable Energy Expansion Act (EAG) allows that energy is produced, stored, consumed and sold across property boundaries - meaning that energy communities are now possible. In Austria, energy communities are not only intended to support the energy transition, but also to generate further ecological, economic and social community benefits. As of May 2022, 14 energy communities are operating in Austria and 34 are in the implementation phase. Explicitly solidarity-based energy communities do not yet exist. These could enable socioeconomically vulnerable groups to actively participate in the energy transition.

•    At least one solidarity-based energy community is founded, accompanied by inclusive participatory organizational development and documented.
•    Relevant target groups are addressed and experiences for communication and participation are derived. By means of an  integral process methods for the participation of vulnerable disadvantaged people are developed, demonstrated, and tested in partnership with the target groups.
•    Solidarity-based participation models, tariff models and measures are developed and tested.
•    Participation models and contract templates for companies, multi-family buildings and private individuals for the participation and support of solidarity-based energy communities are being developed.
•    Possibilities of sector coupling and load management are examined and integrated with regard to realization possibilities and solidary added value.
•    The possibilities of solidarity-based financing methods such as crowdfunding will be demonstrated and tested in the project as an example.
•    Models for the roll-out throughout Austria will be developed and the roll-out will be prepared.
•    Guidelines, working materials and tools will be developed and made available to interested communities, municipalities and housing developers.

Portrait Anna Maria  Fulterer


DIin Dr.in Anna Maria Fulterer


Klima- und Energiefonds - www.klimafonds.gv.at

Project coordination

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien - www.aee-intec.at

Project partner

agentur scan - www.scan.co.at

AVL List GmbH - www.avl.com

Caritas der Diözese Graz-Seckau - www.caritas-steiermark.at

Energie Agentur Steiermark gemeinnützige GmbH - www.ea-stmk.at

Diözese Graz-Seckau - www.katholische-kirche-steiermark.at


